Install and Use Soft Surfboard Racks

Hillbilly Handyman Corner: Episode 1

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Open doors on both sides of the vehicle.

  2. Lay Wrap Racks flat on the roof.

  3. Space racks at least 2 ft. apart parallel to one another.

  4. With doors open, run straps through the inside of the vehicle.

  5. Twist the webbing 2-3 turns before securing to the buckle to avoid humming of the webbing.

  6. Secure the straps through the buckle and PULL DOWN TIGHT!

  7. Put your surfboard on with fins facing up and to the front of the vehicle.

  8. Run strap over the boards.

  9. Secure with the buckle and pull tight.

    *Boards that extend more than 3ft. past the Wrap Racks need to be secured in front to avoid excessive wind force. More board off the back is better.

    *If there is a humming noise from the racks, undo the webbing and twist multiple times before securing back into place.

    *Excessive humming can cause webbing damage and failure.